Kelvin Baggs Travel, Photography & Productivity


Thank you for visiting my home on the web.

If you love travel, food, photography or productivity, you’re in the right place. This site contains a series of travel photographic travelogues from around the work, that I hope will inspire you travel and seek out new cultures, places and food.

There are some great resources on this site to help you plan your next getaway or vacation. You’ll find some free planning and packing templates, heaps of travel tips and inspiration and a travel ebook.

Not all those who wander are lost - J.R.R. Tolkien

Productivity to help you travel

I have just added a new productively section to my site - something I feel very passionate about. For me, being productive helps minimise stress and gives me more time to enjoy life and plan my next trip.

Coming soon

More travel and productivity information coming soon, while the website is being upgraded.